March 2023 brings us the energy of the Universal Month 1, a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. This powerful energy can be felt by all, regardless of our individual Personal Month numbers.
In numerology, the Universal Month is determined by the date and is a reflection of the energy that is present during that specific month. The Universal Month number is calculated by adding the month and the year together and reducing it to a single digit.
A Universal Month 1 indicates a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. It is the start of a new numerical cycle, and it is associated with the energy of initiation, pioneering, and leadership. This is a time of great potential and opportunities and a time to set new goals and make a fresh start. It is a time to be proactive, take the lead, and initiate new projects and ideas. It is also a time for self-reliance, independence, and assertiveness. It is a time to be aware of your own power and to take full responsibility for your life.
It is an exciting time to start something new, take the first step, and make things happen. With this energy, it is essential to be aware of taking on too much too soon and to prioritize your time and energy effectively.
It is also important to be aware of becoming too aggressive and pushing too hard and be mindful of becoming too impatient and impulsive. With this energy, it is important to be confident but also to be humble, listen and learn from others.
Here’s how to calculate your Personal Month number:
Write down your birth date in numerical form (for example, if you were born on June 15th, write “06 15”)Write down the current month and year (for example, if it is March 2023, write “03 2023”)Add the numbers from your birth date and the current month and year together (for example, 06+15+03+2023 = 2047)Reduce the sum to a single digit by adding the digits together until you have a single digit (in this example, 2+0+4+7 = 13, 1+3 = 4)The final single digit number is your Personal Month number (in this example, 4)It’s important to note that the Personal Month number changes each month. It’s a good idea to calculate your Personal Month number at the beginning of each month to get an idea of the energy and vibration that will be present for you during that time.
However, it’s also important for these individuals to be mindful of taking on too much too soon and to prioritize their time and energy effectively.
This is also a good time for these individuals to focus on their personal and professional partnerships and relationships.
This is also a good time to focus on your personal growth and development.
This is also an excellent period for these individuals to focus on their career and financial goals.
Take this time to dive into the themes of personal freedom and independence.
Read this next: Here’s Exactly How to Manifest Abundance in March Using Astrology
Put extra effort and focus into your home and family now.
You may be called upon to look within yourself and explore your innermost thoughts and feelings. This is also a good time for these individuals to focus on their spiritual practice and personal development.
Pay attention to your intuitive feelings – especially about your career and financial goals.
This is also a good time for these individuals to focus on personal growth and development.
By understanding how this energy may affect us based on our Personal Month number, we can make the most of this powerful time and create positive changes in our lives!
Related article: Your March 2023 Energy Forecast